The 10 Influential Leaders of 2022

Cover story

heine krog iversen - TimeXtender

A leader’s ability to influence team members and craft the very fabric of the organisation...


Ahmed Detta: Turning Over a New Leaf with Enviroo

Plastic has long been demonized as a polluter – filling our oceans with microplastics, being...

TimeXtender is a modern data estate building solutions provider that helps business enterprises mould data...
heine krog iversen - TimeXtender
Karl Widdowson: The Leader Disrupting the UI/UX Market with a Novel Creative Vision
The Creative Momentum is a custom web designing firm that specialises in providing clients with...


Sustainable Development: The Future of the World

There is no clarity on which path the world will take in the next 40...

– By José Oliveira, CEO, BI4ALL Decision makers need to make decisions faster and quicker,...

Leader's Perspective - The impact of technology on the decision-making process - José Oliveira CEO & co-founder of BI4ALL
Environmental Dynamism and Firm Performance

Environmental dynamism is the rate at which the consumers’ preferences and organizational products change over...

Today’s world has become smaller, more connected. With modern technology and infrastructure, establishing a business...

Key Steps to Grow Your Business Effectively
How AI and ML Help Businesses Navigate the Digital Landscape?

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have completely transformed human lives. From music and movie recommendations...

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