Lady Gaga has recently announced on her social media that the album, “Chromatica” previously set for April 10 release has been delayed, indefinitely. Additionally, the posts also says that she had planned to do a secret set at the Coachella Festival, before that gathering was shifted back from April to October. Perceiving that her shows from April 30-May 11 at the MGM Park Theatre in Las Vegas had already been delayed, she hopes her performances in Las Vegas later in May will continue as scheduled.
“I wanted to tell you, that after a lot of deliberations, I’ve made the incredibly tough decision to postpone the release of ‘Chromatica.’ I will announce a new 2020 release date soon”, Gaga says. She added to her statement, “This is such a hectic and scary time for all of us, and while I believe art is one of the strongest things we have to provide joy and healing to each other during the times like this, it just doesn’t feel right to me to release this album with all that is going on during this global pandemic.”
Lady Gaga prefer that we all spend this time focusing on finding solutions. It’s important to her that the attention is on getting essential medical equipment to healthcare professionals, making sure that children who depend on public schools for meals get the assistance they need, and expects that we help those who will be financially impacted by this pandemic.
As for Coachella plans, which would have gone along with her album release, simply Gaga said, “I had so many fun things planned for us to celebrate together…. I had a secret Coachella set lined up, and a lot of other fun surprises, some of which I’m still planning to share with all of you very soon!…”
Lastly she adds, “To my fans, I love you. I know you are disappointed. Probably angry and sad… I hope you can see that when the album does come out, I want us to be able to dance together, sweat together, hug and kiss each other, and make it the most bombastic celebration of all times, And until that time comes, LET’S ALL STAY HOME!”