Kelly Power: Guiding aseptiscope Towards New Heights

Let’s get to know another iconic and graceful leader in the modern industry, Kelly Powers who reflects strength even through her name. She is the astute Founder and COO of AseptScope and finds immense fulfillment and satisfaction in being the leader of product development of the company.  She also knows that the journey from a mere concept to a thriving business encompasses numerous crucial elements. Getting to know from her extensive operational expertise that she gained from her tenure at many renowned corporations, Kelly expresses gratitude for the solid foundation that she gained from this. As AseptiScope gears up for its commercial expansion, Kelly works together with the executive team to devise robust processes tailored to cater to diverse customer needs and set the stage for enduring success.

Kelly Powers and Her Thrilling Journey

“I’m now working with our executive team to develop processes that allow us to service customers at all levels, and position the organization for long-term success.”

– Kelly Powers

In the past few years, Kelly has been deeply focused on the initiatives which were directed at the fortification of the organisational infrastructure, thereby strengthening AseptiScope’s strategic trajectory and maintaining maximum productivity. 

Kelly also expresses that the presence of formal mentors and role models have molded her into what she is today and which is why she thinks they play a vital role in everyone’s life. She has been inspired and guided by individuals, both personally and professionally throughout her career. As she climbed up to the managerial and leadership roles, she directed her focus by making initiatives which were geared towards women empowerment and guiding women’s affinity groups. “I have had aspiring female professionals approach me for individual guidance which has been intensely rewarding. To spend time understanding a young person’s goals and help them advance towards them, and even surpass them is a wonderful thing,” says Kelly. “This process is intensified when a young female executive overcomes issues and challenges that are uniquely common to those with which I’ve also dealt with personally. The bond I share with these young professionals is more profound and rewarding than can be described in an interview.” Being equipped with this ideology, Kelly has been taking the company to new levels.

Guided with this ethos, Kelly aims to bring AseptiScope to great heights and is dedicated to her mission to pioneer innovative solutions addressing the issues and challenges which are faced due to Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). AseptiScope comes forth as a pioneer of innovation in the medical realm being committed to introducing validated solutions which can mitigate the risk of contamination and infection in healthcare ecosystems.

The Establishment of AseptiScope

“All AesptiScope products provide clean and effective solutions and we are very proud of our contribution to infection control.”

– Kelly Powers

Founded in the year 2016, by a cadre of seasoned business luminaries and clinical mavens, AseptiScope embodies the entrepreneurial spirit that thrives on identifying unmet needs and catalysing transformative solutions. Being strengthened by these collaborative and shared vision and goals, the founding team commenced their journey to establish a company which was dedicated to provide pioneering infection control solutions for patients and clinicians. Through constructive hires, seamless transition from prototyping to commercialisation, successful Series A funding, and the launch of Series B fundraising initiatives, AseptiScope embarks on the intricate terrain of business growth with confidence and boldness.

AseptiScope has faced its part of challenges and hard work and therefore symbolise a commitment to sustainable transformations which resonate with nature and society as a whole. Kelly talks about the mission to combat the emergence of highly pathogenic organisms by championing antimicrobial stewardship through their technology, and says, “In the world today, we utilize alcohol to clean hands, countertops, door handles, etc. We use pesticides to improve crop yields. We use broad spectrum antibiotics to treat infections when we don’t know the specific bacteria or pathogen.”

“This practice often is effective at achieving its immediate goal, but dangerous to our environment as it fosters the development of more resistant pathogens to emerge. At AseptiScope, we protect patients from harm by shielding them with a totally clean – or aseptic – barrier,” adds Kelly.

AseptiScope is truly an inspiring example of unwavering commitment to providing clean, effective solutions while also offering a lot to infection control. The company gains traction with growing demand for its products and services in assorted hospitals in the United States.

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