Celebrating International Women’s Day is not simply limited to recognizing the indelible strength of women and their formidable contribution to our society, but to pledge avowed faith in upholding their identities each day of the year. The unmatched power of a woman’s ingenuity has been proven over and over again during the course of the by-gone year. From battling the pandemic to becoming the first woman to hold political positions hitherto held by men, women have reasserted their luminary identities in all walks of life. Given these strides women have made within the diverse arenas, here are 5 ways in which we can celebrate their unassailable essence on 8th March, 2021:

Promote the Discourse of Gender Equality in the Workspace

The Covid-19 pandemic has severely affected the employment status of women. According to Women in the Workplace Survey 2020, women in the United States –especially women of color– are more likely to have been laid off or furloughed, or driven to consider leaving their careers due to the increased responsibility of managing household and childcare responsibilities. Thus, the creation of inclusive workspaces are paramount. This International Women’s Day, examine your company’s policies to ensure that women receive equitable and fair support in the business arena. Equitable parental leave, flexible work scheduling, mentorship opportunities for women, etc. can be important steps for the creation of a work environment that recognizes their role and contribution throughout the year.

Host Virtual Panels

The virtual world has become the embraced reality of our lives. Thus, celebrating the spirit of women on the virtual platform this year seems much too evident. Initiate an online panel discussion that will allow women to share their distinctive life experiences and stories with other fellow comrades. This will help create a space for free and safe discussion as well as facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and advice. Research some interesting events in your industry or community and encourage your friends, family, or team members to register with you.

Organize a Women’s Book Club

Women and literature have long been the topic of discussion among many scholars. This Women’s Day take some time to discuss the most beloved pieces of literary work, especially those penned by pioneering women scholars. A book club that facilitates a hearty discussion on the portrayal of women in literature or simply focuses on initiating a dialogue about the most beloved books among your friends and colleagues. This can stimulate the mind and enliven the spirit. Not to mention that this will an instant hit among your bibliophile friends.

Support Women-Owned Businesses

Another exceptional idea for the ensuing celebration will be to extend your arm of support for women-owned business ventures. Recognizing the entrepreneurial spirit of women by vocalizing your support for enterprises owned, operated, and controlled by a woman or women helps contribute to equal economic empowerment, representative products and services, and a more prosperous economy overall. Moreover, this endeavor is one you can religiously follow throughout the year and not simply on Women’s Day.

Host a Film Screening

This option is apt for the cinephiles among us. Representation in film has a huge impact on how audiences learn about gender norms, the issues we focus on, and the way we perceive the world. Organizing a Women’s Day special screening of your favorite films can be a joyous yet meaningful way of celebrating the occasion. This year, grab your friends or team and view the world from a woman’s point of view. 

Their role in creating a more equitable and inclusive social order has come to fruition in the course of the last year. It is important to honor their invincible spirit every step of the way. When deciding on a way to celebrate the special occasion, we must keep in mind to honor women and their contributions not just on Women’s Day, but throughout the year.

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