ARIS: French Health Minister Olivier Veran stated on Sunday he wanted to reveal by summer a new support plan for French hospitals and health workers who have been on the front line of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an interview with French Sunday weekly Le Journal Du Dimanche (JDD), Veran informed consultations with social partners and health representatives would start from May 25.
“I want to go fast. I want the plan to be presented this summer, to include everything that can be presented in the next Social Security budget,” he stated.
The new plan would upsurge the wages of health workers beyond recent bonuses awarded during the coronavirus crisis, he added.
“The nation will have to make a major effort to recognize their role,” he opined.
The plan will also comprise a reorganisation of investments and create a more flexible working time framework.
“If hospital staff want to work more and increase their wages, it must be possible. For that we must review the organisation of working time in hospitals,” he concluded.
Source: Reuters/jt