Ange Gardien, a New Fragrance Brand, Launched by Singapore-Based Company SCGE International

To dominate the rapidly growing fragrance market in Asia, Singapore-based Company SCGE International has launched a new fragrance brand, Ange Gardien.

With a range of seven perfumes, Ange Gardien launched early December in Singapore; out of those- five ladies’ and two men’s scents – that were produced entirely in France.

In China Ange Gardien is currently distributed through the SGCE-owned beauty salons and for the brand, fragrance launch is only the first phase, SGCE will be  expanding the line to include more products centred around women’s beauty lifestyle.

The company has been distributing beauty and personal care products for the past decade or so and is backed by a Chinese company that operates a chain of beauty salons in China under the same name.

Branding manager of Ange Gardien, Claudia See said, “For Chino, a lot of time, it’s based on network distribution. Our network in China is based on beauty salons, where the point-of-sales are made. These beauty salon owners will make the final to the patrons that visit them for beauty services and this channel was very effective for the brand in China as it allowed it to be laser- focused on a specific target audience.”

‘This is a very specific network of people – people who visit beauty salons. It does not limit the potential of the brand. It’s in fact very targeted marketing.”

She described the brand’s target market as women aged between 28 and 45 years old with “confidence, elegance and a true belief in themselves”, as well as high spending power.

‘This kind of consumer is appearing at all these beauty salons and they visit the salon once every week,” See said.

Outside of China, the firm will follow the ’conventional’ route and seek offline retail partners.

Currently, the company in talks with leading department store retailers and boutique shops in Singapore. Malaysia and Thailand to carry the brand. The firm is focused on expanding the brand through brick-and-mortar channels as it believes an online approach will rob consumers of experiencing the brand first hand.

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