Amazon’s AWS to Invest Billions in Italy Data Centers

Amazon’s AWS is talking with Italy to put a lot of money into growing its data center work there. They are still figuring out how much to spend and where to do it. AWS might make its Milan spot bigger or set up a new one.

AWS and Italy’s people haven’t said anything about these talks. AWS opened its first cloud area in Italy in 2020, spending 2 billion euros by 2029. Big names in Italy like Ferrari and Assicurazioni Generali use their service.

AWS recently unveiled a 15.7 billion euro investment in Spain. This replaces a previous plan of 2.5 billion euros announced in 2021. However, the investment in Italy may not match Spain’s scale. An official announcement is not expected soon.

AWS plans to spend 7.8 billion euros in Germany by 2040. The firm is also making tech for telecom customers. Telefonica Deutschland moved 1 million customers to AWS’s cloud recently.  Last year, AWS said it would keep data on EU servers. This is to keep data safe for the government and special industries. 

Spending on cloud tech is going up, pushed by interest in AI. The cloud market worth $270 billion is growing again. Alphabet put 1 billion euros into Italy for cloud services. This money helps Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy’s top bank. Microsoft opened its first cloud area in Italy last year. This was part of a $1.5 billion investment plan announced in 2020.

AWS is putting a lot of money into Italy, showing that the cloud market is getting bigger. With AI making growth, firms are opening their wallets for cloud services again. AWS, Alphabet, and Microsoft are at the front of putting money into cloud stuff in Europe. AWS’s big spend will make its role in Europe stronger. Italy will get a boost from better cloud services and stuff. The growing cloud market is a big chance for tech firms.

AWS plans to spend billions in Italy. This step will improve Italy’s cloud stuff. As talks go on, we’re waiting for the final details. The AWS move shows how important cloud computing is becoming in Europe.

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