Japan Saw Market Fall by More than 3%

Coronavirus continues to have a global economic impact and the latest effect is on the Japanese stock market as the stocks by more than 3 per cent.

Nikkei 225 dropped 3.08 per cent which was on the back of fall of big shares including Softbank Group going down by 5.7 per cent. Japanese Yen is one of the safest currencies of the world was treaded at 105.78 per dollar.

Kospi, South Korea’s stock market index, also observed a fall of 2.33 per cent while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index shed 2.15 per cent.

China also saw a downhill way of its stock market index as Shanghai composite went down by about 1 per cent and the Shenzhen component falling by 0.75 per cent.

Stocks in Australia fell by about 2.4 per cent. The country’s Bureau of Statistics (ABS) said that it expects the virus to “impact aggregate retail trade estimates in coming months,” while they didn’t see any “apparent impact on any of the aggregate level data” from the January’s data.

Mizuho Bank’s head of economics and strategy, Vishnu Varathan, said, “One succumbs to the sheer fear of community spread, prospects of deep economic impact from sharp drop off in demand for travel and seizures in supply-chains,”

He added, “The other is a strain that thrives on hopes of stimulus; be it frantic central bank rate cuts, the lull of liquidity infusions or more targeted fiscal offsets to provide pain relief.”

“As the two strains cross-infect one another, markets will be strained to maintain valuations, and bigger concerns about strains on global health systems and supplies mount,” he said. According to the stats presented by the World Health Organisation, the toll of globally infected by the virus has reached 95,270 while we have lost 3,280 people to the virus, at least.

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