Walter Perdigao: Always on Top of the Game!

To fit yourself into the shoes of a chief executive officer is a tough job indeed. It requires utmost patience and perseverance and it is surely not everyone’s cup of tea. A good CEO will first and foremost have a vision, a clear direction as to where they want to lead the company, they will be receptive, that is, they will not only listen to their employees but will value their opinion. Moreover, they will have the ability to motivate everyone around them to work in the best way possible alongside being extremely flexible and attentive to the environmental changes. They will have the capability to transform the work place into a healthy one with features such as trust overflowing.

We are delighted to introduce one of the most prolific leaders, Walter Perdigao, who is the co-founder & CEO at CrossConcept. The team of Delivery Managers and Technical Consultants at CrossConcept oversee the implementation and support of Continuum with the usage of the best practices and recommendations that have been derived from over decades of experience.  The team at CroosConcept has been very successful in rolling out PSA as well as PPM solutions to clients of all ranges and sizes and even choosing from a wide range of market segments. Walter on an individual level has also been working rigorously to take into account all the product recommendations that have been received from the consumers in order to drive functionality of the product. All in all, the role of Walter in taking CrossConcept to the next level has been phenomenal.

The Beginning of an Era

At first, CrossConcept simply began as a service company that implemented and supported enterprise PSA and PPM solutions and outsourced them to the SBM market. They were also working to provide consultancy services on the basis of best practice approaches on how to effectively use the solutions provided by them to run an organisation efficaciously and how to better your profits and get the best returns on your investment. But no path to success is easy even this road was filled with thorns. The first problem that CrossConcept had to face was that of finance, while their products were proving to be functional companies could ill-afford the systems required. These systems were highly complex and way too expensive. To counter this, the company decided to take the high road and design their own enterprise class SaaS PSA solution that suited best and catered to the needs of the SMB market.

This step however required loads of work and CrossConcept decided to use the decades of experience and feedback that it had gathered in order to focus on the functionality and the usage of the product.  This was about two years from now and till date the company values its customers feedbacks to better their products. It is this quality that the company has taken on that sets it apart from the others. This company has successfully now completed its transition to being a software company, though it still feels that it will always be a service one first.

An Organisation for the People

Walter has been very clear regarding one aspect right from the beginning that how managers you have can can never be a symbol for success. What matters most is the fact as to how many of them become mangers themselves on this course. He is a proponent of empowering the people in his organisation to become the best version of themselves. He believes that the role of an individual is no bar to his/her creativity and therefore values each member very dearly and values each person’s unique approach. To him, his team is everything because they are the people who will eventually make the client happy.

‘Success of the Company and Team, Two Sides of the Same Coin’

Walter has had a successful career run for more than 26 years now and something that has made him who he is today is his sportsmanship. He believes that success and consumer satisfaction go hand in hand and for that to become the reality, the team needs to be strong.

The success of the team and the success of the company are pretty much two sides of the same coin where none is possible without the other

A Clear Direction and Future Path

Walter doesn’t even for once falter from his direction and goal and that is perhaps today he has reached new heights of success. He likes to be focused towards the end goal and look brightly towards the future. While he does deliberate on what is best he vests the final responsibility with his team and shows immense faith in them. He wants them to make mistakes but then learn from them and grow. The future path for CrossConcept has already been paved with them transitioning to software company, now they just wish to better the functionality of their product. At the present moment, they are very well focused on investments that can help the company for the coming 5 years.

Words of Wisdom by the Leader Himself

Don’t let anyone define your potential. Only you know what you are capable of. Your only limit is the limit you self-impose. Set your goals high and believe in yourself. That gives you the spice of life to wake up excited each morning. From the power of that belief you will be challenged along your journey. Expect that – it’s a needed step in the process of growth.

Simply learn from those challenges and keep your eye on your goal and never lose faith in yourself or the process. Do that and you can achieve anything you set your mind on
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