China: Global Health Crisis as Coronavirus Spreads in China

As per WHO, coronavirus, first came to notice on 31st December 2019, when they were alerted for numerous cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. The virus wasn’t matching to any old know ones and it became a point of concern.

Chinese authorities confirmed it a week later that they have identified a new virus. It was called ‘coronavirus’. It belongs to the family of viruses that include ‘common cold’. It was temporarily named: ‘2019- nCoV’.

Fever, cough, breathing difficulties are amongst its symptoms. While more severe cases can lead up to pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome and even death.

In fact, the death toll in China has reached 106 when this article was written. Total confirmed cases in China reached a figure of 4,515. The count increased by more than 62% than what it was a day before, i.e., 2,835.

China’s National Health Commission claimed that the virus can be transmitted through contact, as well as droplets. This virus affects a person with no discrimination on the basis of age. This has induced fear in the surrounding countries and rightly so.

Japan sent its first Charter flight to bring back its citizens. Japan’s Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi confirmed the reporters that the plane will arrive in Tokyo by midday (Wednesday) local time.

Considering the outbreak of the virus, Philippines suspends visa-on-arrival for Chinese nationals.

With the issue in focus, the Hong Kong government has announced that government workers will be allowed to work from home at the end of the Chinese New Year holiday to minimize the outbreak. The private sector is requested to follow the lead. Japan is not alone in looking to evacuate its citizens from China. United States, Australia and European Nations are amongst the other countries doing it.

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