Circularity is Getting a Boost Due to Alarming Data of Waste Generation

According to the report of UK Research and Innovation, the textile industry of the UK creates about five times the waste created by the household of the UK. These are the figures after taking into the account the recycling, reuse, construction and demolition and excavation (CDE) of waste. The reports suggest that about 60 per cent of the waste of UK accounts for CDE alone which is a terrifying figure. This leads to large carbon footprints and presents roadblocks for urban development projects where the aim is to achieve net-zero emissions.

The new Circular Economy (CE) approach is deemed to find new ways to cut the impact of CDE was.

Acceleration Circularity is a new collaborative mission which has propelled the textile industry towards circular from linear. The project partners are guaranteeing sharing information, amplifying key messages & streamlining of efforts.

The figure from the Environmental Protection Agency shows that about 15 million tonnes of textile waste is created by the US alone and this figure alarms and warns the textile industry to move from a ‘take, make, waste’ system to a circular in a short duration.

If not done in a short period, this may lead to huge landfills with textile waste.

American Apparel & Footwear Association, Apparel Impact Institute, Circle Economy, Outdoor Industry, Textile Exchange, The Renewal Workshop and the United States Fashion Industry Association are amongst the organisations included in this project. For now, the prime focus of the project is on chemical recycling of cotton, viscose and polyester textile waste. These three fibres account for 80 per cent of all textile fibre production and are the most important part when focusing on reducing waste. The future phases of the project are to take into account the results of data from this study and use for other fibres.

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