Humans to Get the Pictures of Subrings of the Blackhole

When we saw the first image of a blackhole, it was revolutionizing in itself and we noticed big donut-shaped surrounding of photons around the blackhole. It wasn’t possible to capture the photons in high resolution but now the scientists are working hard towards making a future generation telescope which can help us spot the enormous circles of photons around the blackhole.

The first image of blackhole was first released by NASA in April 2019 and was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration and was an intrication of data. The reality of blackhole is that its gravity is very strong to the point that the photons around the circle it a few times before falling into the blackhole. These photons which are orbiting the blackhole are captured by the telescopes thus the figure they make is called ‘photon ring’. This ring is made of multiple subrings which are harder to observe by the telescope.

Michael Johnson who is an astrophysicist at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge says: “It’s sort of like a hall of mirrors, where we’re getting an infinite series of images.”

According to the latest calculations done by Johnson and colleagues, the new telescopes in the space the photon subrings could be observed around the enormous blackhole which is at the center of the galaxy M87, which was the same blackhole capture in the first-ever photo of a blackhole.

The Event Horizon Telescope already is an accumulation of high-power telescopes from around the world. But now that we humans are daring to get the pictures of subrings, we will need to add more telescopes.

The distances between telescopes need to get bigger to get the snaps of the second subring of the blackhole. The latest calculations show that we need to put a telescope in space at a distance which is between the Moon and the Earth. Incidentally, we need to keep the third telescope at a distance of 150 million kilometres from the Earth.

Source: and NASA

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