Revo Foods Opens World’s Largest 3D Food Printing Facility

Austrian food tech company Revo Foods has unveiled the world’s largest industrial facility for 3D food printing, named the “Taste Factory,” in Vienna. This pioneering plant aims to reshape plant-based food production using advanced 3D structuring technology. The proprietary process replicates the texture of meat through the use of mycoprotein, a protein-rich substance obtained from fermented mycelium. The factory has a production capacity of up to 60 tonnes of food per month, making it the first facility globally to operate 3D food printing at this scale. Revo Foods believes this innovation will drive the next generation of plant-based products and revolutionise sustainable food manufacturing.

The company’s first product, “The Filet,” a salmon-inspired meat alternative, is set to debut in European supermarkets on October 3. This product is made entirely from mycoprotein and offers a healthy alternative, being free from cholesterol, sugar, and gluten, while packed with omega-3, vitamins, and fibre.

Revolutionising Food Manufacturing with 3D Structuring

Revo Foods’ leadership sees the Taste Factory as a groundbreaking leap for the food industry. The 3D structuring technology enables the creation of new textures that closely mimic the tenderness and mouthfeel of traditional meat using simple but nutrient-dense ingredients like mycelium. Unlike conventional high-temperature food manufacturing, this process operates at lower temperatures, ensuring the preservation of vital micronutrients that are typically lost. The technology allows for the creation of various plant-based alternatives, such as fillets and steaks, that could appeal to a growing market of health-conscious and environmentally aware consumers.

Future Food Innovations and Personalised Nutrition

In addition to large-scale production, Revo Foods is exploring innovative avenues such as personalised nutrition, which could result in customised food solutions tailored to individual dietary needs. By working with partners, the company aims to introduce new products by 2025. This approach, coupled with the ability to rapidly iterate and customise plant-based foods, positions Revo Foods at the forefront of sustainable and innovative food manufacturing, combining both culinary pleasure and environmental responsibility.

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