In order to boost travel and at the same time make it safer, Air India has made use of a new robotic technology that ensures that even those areas are properly sanitized where manual hand cannot reach or properly disinfect. The UV-C light is being used is a powerful disinfectant leaving no room for worry for any of the passengers wanting to travel.

The robotic device is filled with an ultraviolet disinfectant and according to Air India, it has already deployed this new technology for its aircrafts. The robot is a very advanced one ensuring that due sanitization takes place even under seats, overhead baggage areas, aisle cleaning, window panels, the cockpit instrumentation area, overhead switch panels, this ensures that not a single space is left.

The manual labour would require a lot of time if they are to clean thoroughly in all these areas and even then there would be no confirmation that it has been done properly, moreover the risk for the airline staff would also be greater in such a scenario.

This technology before putting into use was approved by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration (NABL) for the efficiency that it holds. No space for any form of error has been left is duly assuring that the device will ensure safety from all kinds of germs and bacteria.

It is expected that all other flights working either in the domestic markets or the international arena will make use of this progressive technology that was launched in close collaboration with AISATS.

The efficiency is more so because of the flexibility of the device that is the UV Robotic device. The UV light bring used by the robotic device will have the wavelength of 200-300 nanometer. As of now, only limited use has been made of this technology in India as it is still in the testing phase.

Air India says that it is already deliberating its usage for all the other aircrafts that it is operating in its network in the country.

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