A solar power operation in North Carolina says by 2020 it will be able to power all of its U.S. production with renewable electricity sources.

The company states it has more in store. Novo has set a new aggressive target to ease its impact as a company on the environment. It plans to achieve zero CO2 emissions (PDF) from all operations and transportation by 2030 using its “Circular for Zero” environmental strategy.

Novo CEO Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen stated, “By committing to achieve zero emissions across our operations and transport by 2030 and by applying a circular mindset across our entire business, we are working towards a day when we will be able to say that Novo Nordisk is a company with zero environmental impact.”

Novo recorded that the 672-acre production facility in North Carolina created tremendous challenges to reaching its environmental goals. It informed its agreement to run its new facility in North Carolina using 100% solar power means it will now be able to reach the 2020 goal first set in 2015 when it joined RE100, a collaborative effort involving 165 companies. 

The company uses sources of clean energy in other parts of the world as well, including 100% windmill power at its production in Tianjin in China. In Montes Claros in Brazil, the company uses 100% water power, and in Europe all production sites use 100% windmill power. At its home in Denmark, Novo states all of its facilities—production and offices—run on 100% renewable power.

This year Novo was among seven pharma companies that were in the top 100 in Reputation Institute’s annual measurement of public perceptions.

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