As an individual embarks on a professional journey where leadership is one of the destinations, one needs to consider all the aspects of it and bag all the skills which are necessary in order to be an efficient leader. Although having technical skills is a major part of being a great leader, one also needs to have an emotional element that they should consider. This is a crucial factor as an influential leader can effectively manage teams, cope up with stress, deliver valuable feedback as well as collaborate with others, be it in their personal or professional life. 

According to the reports, 71 percent of employers, too, value emotional intelligence over more than technical skills while they evaluate the candidates. Defined as the ability to recognise, understand, and handle one’s own emotions, as well as the ability to recognise, understand and influence the emotions of others, emotional intelligence has taken a huge space in being one of the most critical skills that one needs for leadership in order to navigate the complexities of the contemporary workplace.

What Exactly is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is often abbreviated as EQ (emotional quotient), is the ability that an individual can possess in order to recognise, manage, understand and effectively express their personal emotions and the same with others. As it assists in navigating social interactions, managing interpersonal relationships, and forming constructive decisions, a leader is always expected to possess it.

Leaders who possess high levels of emotional intelligence are very well adapted to managing their own emotions and leveraging them to create strong and lasting relationships which inspire trust and breed collaboration within their teams. Such leaders are also skilled at recognising and understanding the emotions of others and this ultimately enables them to navigate interpersonal dynamics effectively and drive positive results.

Benefits of Having Emotional Intelligence

  • Self-Awareness

Although there are a lot of different ways in which a leader can be benefitted by emotional intelligence, one of the main points is self-awareness. When a leader has emotional intelligence, they will have a deep understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, values, as well as motivations. A leader can recognise their own emotions and can handle any situation better. They understand how these emotions can impact their thoughts, behaviour and also their decision making process. When a leader or any individual is self-aware, they can manage their emotions better and handle challenges according to their own capabilities. They make informed decisions and lead authenticity and integrity.

  • Self-Regulation

This is another aspect of emotional intelligence that is important for effective leadership. Leaders who are skilled at self-regulation are more capable of controlling their impulses, managing their emotions as well as adapting to changing circumstances with grace and composure. They can remain calm and composed under challenging situations and navigate conflict constructively and maintain a positive attitude when under pressure. When an individual demonstrates self-regulation, leaders inspire boldness and trust in them and set a positive and lasting example for others to follow.

  • Social Awareness

When a leader has the ability to recognise and understand the emotion of others, they are also said to be emotionally intelligent. Leaders who can be socially aware and have a keen sense of empathy towards other individuals. They are attuned to the needs of other people around them and can empathetically help them with their concerns. This helps in people trusting and respecting a leader more as they feel heard and respected back. When a person has social awareness, they can read nonverbal cues, listen actively when spoken to, and display a sense of understanding. With the help of social awareness, leaders can create strong relationships, and a sense of belonging within their work environment and can ignite loyalty and honesty among their followers.

Furthermore, when a leader has emotional intelligence, they are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the global business environment. They are better adapted at creating diverse and inclusive teams and bridging cultural differences which can make the work culture more inclusive and respectful to everyone. A great leader should also be good at managing the struggles of remote work and virtual collaboration which can breed a sense of. Connection and belonging among all the teams in an organisation. By adopting self-awareness, self, regulation, social awareness, etc. leaders can foster trust, honesty, and excellence in an organisation.

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