Renovating a house means giving it a new life. With the pandemic on a rage, most of us had to be confined to our houses as work too shifted online. This added on to the value of our houses and plenty of people are now looking to renovate their abodes in order to be well-prepared and to make houses more aesthetic and functional.  But planning to renovate a house is not as it easy as it may look like, renovation trends come and go as swiftly as a flash of light. If you truly wish to renovate your house in the best possible way, you always need to be on your toes. Some of the trends that 2021 will see within the housing arena have been highlighted below to make your task a little easier:

  • Investing in Work from Home Spaces

Remote working became a trend with the onset of the pandemic, but even as we shift back to the normal world, many employees are continuing with this practice. Work from home can often prove to be exhausting as there is no change of environment rendered. But, this problem can be solved by allotting a space meant for work or investing in furniture that works in a duel manner.

  • Healthier and Greener Living

Green and healthy initiatives are expected to take over our way of living in the near future. Therefore, making your house friendly to these initiatives will payoff eventually. The governments all around the world are keen to provide people with certain incentives for simply abiding by the provisions of harnessing the solar radiation and rainwater harvesting. This is not just a trend for 2021 but it is here to stay, thereby making this one of the most important aspects to be considered before beginning your renovation project.

  • Ensuring a Natural and Homogenous Flow 

While renovating a house, an important point to adhere to will be maintaining a flow in your house. Make certain of the fact that the outdoor area seems like an extension of the indoors and not a separate part altogether. For this, sliding doors and drop down windows can be used. This trend has been quite eye-catching and is expected to grow further in the upcoming year.

  • Opting for Larger Tiles

Large tiles usually give the illusion of a bigger space. With most of our time being spent at home, this feature proves to be an upgrade for the available space. Not only this, the hassles of cutting smaller tiles and the visual mess created by the process can be avoided with this elegant solution. Although, while choosing tiles for places like the bathroom, one must proceed with caution ensuring that whichever tile you are picking offers protection from possible slips and mishaps.

  • White or Nude Colour Kitchens

A trend that is being seen continuously is a shift from the colourful hues and a return to the nude shades -particularly white- for the kitchens. People prefer their kitchens to be exotic and rare, something that is best achieved by using nude shades and beautiful stones available in white like marble and quartz.

  • Grandmillennial Décor

This trend is expected to encapsulate some of the features in your grandparents’ house and revive them. It would include using floral wallpapers or delicate china and antique paintings and is expected to invoke in people the homely feeling and nostalgia of the old age. Also known as ‘Granny Chic’, this trend is surely on the rise and will be one to look out for.

  • Rattan Furniture and Plaster Walls

Furniture made using woven palm stems is known as rattan furniture. It lays emphasis on nature and provides the much needed warmth and lightness to the entire house. Additionally, they are also as light as feathers- this makes them the most convenient choice for your home. Plaster walls were very common before plastic walls came into being and now these are making a comeback. The reason for this is that the texture and the depth provided by plaster walls are simply irreplaceable.

Renovating a house would mean an investment of both material and non-material resources. It proves to be a tiresome job that one cannot engage in every now and then. Therefore, it becomes highly important that one ensures that only the best of things are done and the house gets a new look that matches your taste. Staying in touch with the trends helps your house be as advanced as it can be and the above mentioned trends are ones which are most likely to persist throughout 2021 and possibly even beyond that.

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