In today’s world, nothing is as important as a mobile phone. Each and every person takes their phone wherever they go — be it at home, some foreign country, and even at their offices. The same is true for lawyers. People in the legal profession can get a lot out of their mobile phones provided they download and use the correct apps. With the help of cloud based legal technology, you can not only make your billable hours more efficient and improve your customer service by making yourself more available and accessible, you can also access your firm remotely. And that is not even the best part. The best part is that there are many apps for lawyers that are designed specifically to help firms achieve their mobile goals.

If you use your smart phones and tablets creatively you can quite easily simplify a lot of your day-to-day tasks. The platform or the OS does not really matter; be it an iOS or Android device, there are plenty of apps for lawyers that you can use to build an infrastructure that is powerful for your practice. This will allow you to work remotely.

Here is a list of the top apps that are available. Some of these apps were designed specifically for lawyers, while others simply work well in legal practice. Rest assured though, irrespective of their initial purpose; these apps will help any lawyer increase their productivity.

1) Evernote

Forbes has rightly said that “Evernote is a powerful tool that can help you manage your tasks right alongside your work with all sorts of information everyday. Simply put, Evernote is a note keeping app. It is an app that has been designed for taking notes, management of tasks, organizations and archival. The app has an added advantage that allows its users to create notes. These notes can be simple text, drawings, images, audio files or even web content like web pages and XML files.

Evernote has been present in the legal industry as an industrial leader. Evernote easily integrates with the other functions of your smartphone, like a camera, which can take pictures of anything. You can then manipulate those pictures by cropping it, resizing it, rotating it, among other things. In addition to that, you can also share these notes easily.

2) Clio

Clio is a cloud based legal technology company that is headquartered in British Columbia in Burnaby. Clio offers law firms cloud-based software that handles various law practice management tasks including client intake, contact management, calendaring, document management, timekeeping, billing, and trust accounting. It also allows you to work remotely and efficiently. As a lawyer who is always on the go, Clio is a must have app. You can access confidential data of your clients remotely, anytime, anywhere and with great security.

You can also track time, view client information, create new matters and contacts, and more.

Clio also integrates well with many of the other apps for lawyers, which means you will be able to run your entire practice from one place. One such app is already listed above, called Evernote. Evernote can help remove creases from documents scanned using Clio.

3) Slack

Inter office communication has never been easier. Slack serves all your needs for fast communication within teams and colleagues. In today’s pandemic ridden world, where everyone is remote, having an app that connects people from different places and regions is not only important but also necessary. Instant messaging, or IM in short, has changed the way businesses internal employees communicate. Obviously, when Slack came out, this space was already occupied by leading companies. But Slack changed the game and now it owns this space. This end-to-end chat tool allows direct one-on-one messaging, as well as team and group chats and company-wide chats. It also has “channels” which allow discussions on specific topics, making it one of the best startup tools for team communication. Its UI is also quite unbeatable. One of its key features that sets it apart from other communication tools designed for the workplace is that admins can’t read private DM conversations without direct permissions, allowing for privacy, autonomy, empowerment, and trust. Slack also allows sharing of files, and can be used as a repository (cloud-based filing cabinet) that allows greater collaboration, making it more than just a chat app.

By setting up an RSS feed that monitors precedents for new citations, you can create an opportunity for it to be discussed with case stakeholders and colleagues in a special Slack room, streamlining your costly legal research process—even while working remotely.

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